SMS tracker

Uncover lies quicker than ever

Do you know that 30% of partners feel insecure in their relationships? Don’t be one of them! Investigate everything with a powerful SMS tracking app.

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sms-spy feature image

Take your evidence from SMS

Get into the inner circle

Know everything about their hidden conversations. See both outcoming & incoming texts with associated numbers and names.

Complete the picture

Access the text’s data, like time and date, to clear any doubts.

Extract the files

Watch the images & videos exchanged through text messages. Save them for later.

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Mobile programs and messengers


























Ema Garcia

Nobody uses the default texting app for cheating, right? Wrong. My boyfriend did just that to cover his tracks. He thought I would look through his polished social media, but I quickly found the needed evidence with an SMS tracker.

Robert Sanders

Good job! I believed I was too old for your service, but then I decided to try it with my wife’s phone. So far, I didn’t find any cheating evidence, luckily. Still, I learned what she told her friends about me, and, to be honest, I had no idea about it.

Martin Jones

Till today, I wonder WHY my girlfriend decided to send her naughty pics via iMessage. I can forgive anything, but messenger? Seriously? Thanks got all of her conversations. Even now, I check on her with SMS tracker.

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If any questions left

Is it legal to read someone’s text messages?

Generally, the law prohibits people from reading someone else's text messages without the sender or receiver's consent. However, there are certain circumstances in which it is legal’s to spy on text messages, such as with mutual consent. If you're unsure of whether it is legal to read someone's text messages, then you should consult a lawyer for advice.

Is it hard to install an SMS tracker?

The process is easier than you think. All you need is to register a Spynger SMS spy app account and pick up a subscription plan that fits your needs. Then, the service will send you a welcome letter with detailed guidelines and a download link. Open it on the target device and complete the setup. Now you can monitor text messages remotely from your computer or smartphone.

How does the text message spy app work?

Spynger runs on a web-based algorithm, meaning that our user can access the target phone’s data from any Internet-connected device. Your SMS spy app syncs to a secure cloud-based dashboard, which shows you their text messages in real time.

Will the device’s owner know about the text message tracker?

Only if you tell them (we don’t recommend doing that). SMS trackers are designed for stealth monitoring. Spynger text message spy app in the background, and its presence is not visible to the device’s use.

How to catch a cheater with a spy test message app?

Your possibilities are unlimited when it comes to catching a cheater. You could read through their text message logs or look at their contacts to see who they are talking to. The text message spy Spynger gives you the power to access this information quickly and easily, so you can make more informed decisions when it comes to your relationship.

How often does the app update the target's info?

Spynger constantly scans the activity on the target device, and once they send or receive any text message, you’ll be the first to know about it. Don’t be afraid of losing any important info, as the SMS spy app reconnects to the target device every 5 minutes and updates you with the latest messages. That way, you’ll never miss out on any vital information regarding your relationship.

Can I take screenshots of target conversations?

Our best SMS tracker Spynger can capture screenshots of your target conversations automatically. All you need to do is view the images from the carousel and then download them to your device. Moreover, the app also tracks incoming and outgoing messages, multimedia files, and more.

Do you provide technical assistance?

Of course! Once you sign up for a free SMS spy app account, you will have access to our support team, who can provide technical assistance and help answer any questions you may have. Additionally, we offer helpful tutorials and resources on our help page to assist you in using the platform and its features.
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