How to Find Out Who My Girlfriend Is Talking to on Snapchat

Find Out Who My Girlfriend Is Talking to on Snapchat

Snapchat is one of the top 5 most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 850 million monthly users. Because of its accessibility and chance to meet someone new, couples sometimes face trust issues. Asking yourself “how to find out who my girlfriend is talking to on Snapchat” is a natural reaction to her spending more time on the app than usual.

But you don’t have to wonder any longer. We will help you learn how to find out who she is talking to by providing a couple of easy methods you can use.

Can You See Who Someone Is Snapchatting?

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to see who someone is talking to on Snapchat. This is because the platform heavily focuses a lot on privacy and therefore, only the user can see his or her friends list.

On top of that, all messages disappear after a few seconds and you cannot get them back. Taking screenshots is also a bad idea because the other user will get a notification that their photo/video has been screenshotted.

However, there are a few methods you can use to determine whether or not your girlfriend Snapchats other guys.

Find Out if Your Girlfriend Is Cheating on Snapchat With Spynger

Snapchat spy app

The best and most efficient way to find out who she is talking to is by using Spynger. Other methods may require you to do everything manually which can be tedious and risky. But with Spynger, you’ll get accurate insights and reports, real-time alerts for suspicious activity, and more.

The Spynger phone app works in the background without any visible evidence that it’s there. It does not drain the battery or affect performance, and it’s completely hidden from the home screen, launcher, and task manager.

Here is a step-by-step guide to installing Spynger and finding out if any Snapchat cheating messages are being exchanged between your girlfriend and someone else:

  1. Subscribe to a plan. There are three payment plans to choose from: monthly, quarterly, and annual. After you’ve subscribed, you will receive detailed instructions via the email you used for signing up.
  2. Install the app. The app is available on all mobile devices that use Android or iOS. You will need physical access to the device for the initial setup. You may have to adjust your Android phone settings to allow the installation of apps from unknown sources.
  3. Set up the app. Navigate the app’s dashboard to see all the monitoring tools available to you. Also, this is a great moment to familiarize yourself with the app and its tools so you can easily gather and understand the data provided by the app.

Pros & Cons


  • Detailed & accurate reporting of Snapchat activity.
  • Silent & undetectable.
  • Easy to use.
  • Real-time alerts related to target activity.


  • Can be pricey for some.
  • Initial setup is manual and required.

Take a Look at Her Snapchat Friend List

Snapchat Friend List

For this, you will need direct access to your (allegedly) cheating girlfriend’s Snapchat. If you get permission to use her account, this is how you can check her friends list:

  1. Open the Snapchat app and open “Chat”.
  2. Look for the red or purple symbol next to a chat (these symbols show active snapchatting).
  3. Open the specific chat to see their Snapchats. Keep in mind that you can only see it within 24 hours of sending or receiving the snap.

Pros & Cons


  • Ability to see recent snapchats for yourself.
  • No suspicion will be raised with the person she has been chatting with.


  • Requires permission from the girlfriend.
  • This may worsen trust issues.
  • She may delete snaps/contacts before giving you the phone.

Find and Analyze Her Snapchat Score

Snapchat Score

If you suspect that your girlfriend is snapchatting other guys, you may be able to get confirmation by looking at her Snapchat score. This score is clearly displayed below her profile picture/avatar. The score increases as she chats with people more.

Pros & Cons


  • Easy to check.
  • You can do it from your own account.


  • Unreliable (there are other ways of increasing the score).

Make a Fake Snapchat Account

Fake Snapchat Account

Can you see who someone is Snapchatting easily? As an alternative to the above methods, you could also try creating a fake Snapchat account. You would then use this account to either see who she is snapchatting (without her knowing it’s you) or attempt to lure her into doing something incriminating.

Simply create a fake Snapchat account and add her as a friend.

Pros & Cons


  • Inconspicuous way to find out (if done right).
  • Easy to start.


  • She may not accept you as a friend (or may block you).
  • Difficult to perfect (have to act as a different person).
  • It is time-consuming (you may not get results as quickly as you’d like).
  • Moral and ethical issues.

שאלות נפוצות

How to Find Out Who My Girlfriend Is Talking to on Snapchat for Free?

Free methods can help you learn how to find out if your girlfriend is cheating on Snapchat and they include checking her Snapchat score, looking at her friends list and seeing who she’s snapchatting with, and making a fake Snapchat account.

How Do You Know if She’s Talking to Someone Else on Snapchat?

You can find this information by looking at her friends list and focusing on the purple or red badges/icons next to a name. If these exist, then she has been talking to someone else.

How Can I Find out if My Girlfriend Is Using Two Snapchat Accounts on One Phone?

The best way to find out if she is using multiple Snapchat accounts on one device is to check her Snapchat score. If it is unusually low, yet she spends most of her time on Snapchat, then chances are that she is using more than one account.

The reason is that account activity increases a user’s score, so her having a low score while seemingly being active on the app can be suspicious.

How to Figure Out Who Someone Is Snapchatting?

You can either use monitoring apps that keep tabs on the user’s Snapchat activity, or by going through their friend list and chats to see if they’ve exchanged any messages.


So there you have it, you won’t have to search for answers to questions like ‘Is my girlfriend cheating on Snapchat?’ or ‘Who is my girlfriend talking to?’ and similar. Thanks to monitoring apps such as Spynger or many of the free methods, you will be able to put your questions to bed.

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