What Is the Behavior Pattern of a Cheater?

man holding smart phone and showing message to his wife

Did you know that 74% of men and 68% of women say they’d cheat if they knew they’d never get caught? This eye-opening statistic from a survey by YouGov highlights the prevalence of potential infidelity in relationships. But how can you spot a cheater before it’s too late? What behavior patterns should you look out for?

In this post, we’ll explore the common behavioral patterns of cheaters, from subtle changes to glaring red flags. We’ll provide you with insights to help you navigate the murky waters of suspected infidelity and understand what might be happening in your relationship.

The Emotional Disconnect

One of the first signs of infidelity often manifests in the emotional realm. Let’s dive into how cheaters might change emotionally.

man ignores a girl

1. Sudden Mood Swings

Have you noticed your partner’s mood fluctuating wildly? They might be affectionate one moment and cold the next. This emotional rollercoaster could be a sign of internal conflict due to cheating.

2. Lack of Intimacy

A decrease in physical and emotional intimacy is often a red flag. If your once-affectionate partner now seems distant or uninterested, it might indicate their attention is elsewhere.

The Guilt Factor

Interestingly, some cheaters may become more attentive or affectionate due to guilt. This overcompensation can be just as telling as emotional distance.

The Secretive Shift

Cheaters often become more secretive to hide their infidelity. Here’s what to watch for:


3. Phone Obsession

Is your partner suddenly glued to their phone? Do they take calls in private or turn their screen away from you? This newfound digital secrecy could be a sign of cheating.

4. Password Changes

If your partner suddenly changes passwords or becomes protective of their devices, it might indicate they’re hiding something.

The Time Trap

Cheating requires time, and this often leads to changes in a person’s schedule and habits.

girl flirting

5. Unexplained Absences

Frequent “work emergencies” or new hobbies that take up a lot of time could be covers for infidelity.

6. Changed Routines

If your partner’s daily routine suddenly shifts without a clear reason, it might be to accommodate their affair.

The Tech Trail

In our digital age, technology often holds clues to infidelity. Apps like Spynger have emerged as tools for monitoring phone activities, providing insights into call logs, messages, and location data. While such technology exists, it’s crucial to use it responsibly and within legal boundaries.


The Appearance Overhaul

Cheaters often pay more attention to their appearance. Here’s what to look out for:

Man looking in mirror

7. Sudden Style Changes

Has your partner started dressing differently or paying more attention to their grooming? While self-improvement is positive, drastic changes could indicate they’re trying to impress someone new.

8. New Gym Routine

A sudden interest in fitness might be about more than health. It could be an attempt to attract or impress a new romantic interest.

The Communication Breakdown

Cheating often leads to changes in how a person communicates with their partner.

Questions to Ask a Cheater

9. Defensive Responses

Does your partner become defensive or angry when you ask about their day or whereabouts? This could be a sign they’re hiding something.

10. Vague Answers

If your once-open partner now gives vague or evasive answers to simple questions, it might indicate they’re trying to avoid revealing too much information.

The Gaslighting Effect

Some cheaters resort to gaslighting, a form of manipulation where they make their partner doubt their own perceptions. They might say things like, “You’re just being paranoid” or “You’re imagining things.”

The Financial Footprint

Infidelity often leaves traces in financial behavior. Here’s what to watch for:

phone bill

11. Unexplained Expenses

Mysterious charges on credit cards or unexplained withdrawals from joint accounts could be signs of spending on an affair.

12. New Accounts

The sudden appearance of new bank accounts or credit cards might indicate your partner is trying to hide financial activities related to cheating.

The Social Circle Shift

Cheating can impact a person’s social behavior in various ways:

new relationhsip

13. New Friends

Has your partner suddenly made new friends they’re reluctant to introduce to you? This could be a red flag.

14. Avoiding Mutual Friends

Cheaters might start avoiding mutual friends out of guilt or fear of being caught in a lie.

The Online Persona

Social media behavior can also offer clues. A study by Russell Clayton of the University of Missouri found that excessive social media use can lead to relationship conflict and negative outcomes, including cheating and breakup.

The Intimacy Issues

Changes in physical intimacy can be telling:

sex problem

15. Decreased Interest

A sudden lack of interest in physical intimacy could indicate your partner’s needs are being met elsewhere.

16. New Techniques

Conversely, the introduction of new sexual techniques might suggest they’re learning from someone else.

The Gut Feeling

Never underestimate your intuition. If something feels off, it often is.

Gut Feeling

17. Instinctive Distrust

Do you find yourself doubting your partner’s words or actions more often? Your subconscious might be picking up on subtle cues your conscious mind hasn’t processed yet.

18. Constant Worry

If you’re constantly worried about your partner’s fidelity without concrete evidence, it might be worth exploring why you feel this way.

Moving Forward

If you recognize these patterns in your relationship, what should you do?

1. Communicate Openly: Have an honest conversation with your partner about your concerns.

2. Seek Professional Help: A couples therapist can provide valuable guidance and mediation.

3. Trust But Verify: While trust is crucial, it’s okay to seek verification if you have strong reasons to suspect infidelity.

4. Focus on Self-Care: Regardless of the outcome, prioritize your emotional well-being.

Remember, while these behavior patterns can indicate cheating, they’re not definitive proof. Every relationship is unique, and what looks like a red flag in one situation might have an innocent explanation in another.

The key is to approach your concerns with honesty, empathy, and open communication. By doing so, you’ll be better equipped to address the issue, whether it turns out to be infidelity or a different relationship challenge.


In conclusion, understanding the behavior patterns of cheaters can help you navigate difficult situations in your relationship. However, it’s crucial to remember that open communication, trust, and mutual respect are the foundations of any healthy relationship. Whether you’re dealing with confirmed infidelity or working to overcome suspicions, the path forward involves patience, understanding, and a commitment to addressing issues together.

Patrice Sol is an esteemed author specializing in the art of catching cheaters and unmasking hidden truths. Leveraging her extensive experience as a private investigator and keen insights into human psychology, Patrice has honed her skills in unraveling complex webs of lies.

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